Tuber melanosporum Vittadini, this is the technical definition of the unique black truffle of Norcia or simply the prestigious black truffle...
Prestigious black truffleThis is one of the types that we can find in the area of Norcia. The super quarry dogs Riccio and Vans, every season allow us to savor the unique flavor of this truffle...
Hooked black truffleIn Italy it is well known among the experts with the name of “Scorzone”. It’s characterized by the colour...
Summer black truffleThis type of truffle isn’t that fine as the black one but it’s very common and pretty easy to find. A few people know about the several qualities of the whitish truffle...
Whitish truffleThe black truffle of Norcia (melanosporum vit) is the most prestigious one, the quarry starts on 1st December and ends on 15th March.
For the tuber aestivum vittadoni, the most versatile in cuisine, the quarry starts on the last Sunday of May and ends on 31st August.
In autumn, exactly from 1st October, there is the quarry of the tuber uncinatum, high quality truffle, which lasts until 31st of January.